We will lead a sustainable future through challenge and innovation.

Social Responsibility
Woo Chang Machinery will practice responsible management to contribute to the local community, aiming for a beautiful coexistence with all stakeholders, including customers, employees, and supply chain.

Social Responsibility Management

  1. Social Responsibility Management
    • Community Contribution
    • Labor Welfare, Talent Development
    • Expanding Social Contribution
    • Improving Customer Satisfaction
    • and Promoting Human Rights Management
    1. Developing Core Social Contribution Activities
    2. Expanding Employee Social Contribution Hours
    3. Increasing Social Contribution Expenditures
    4. Implementing Customer Satisfaction Survey Results (Trend Management)
    5. Operating Programs to Improve Customer Satisfaction
    6. Establishing Human Rights Management Guidelines and Policies
    7. Performing Monitoring according to Detailed Regulations/Guidelines.